Sunday, August 11, 2013

WP8 Internet Explorer Lag

If you've been an early adopter of the WP8 platform, chances are you've been using it daily without too much trouble. There are different types of smartphone users but if you're like me and love to browse the internet a lot, you might have noticed a slight lag when a page loads. Previously I've tried clearing the cache and it didn't seem to help much so I continued to use the phone dealing with the slight lag that occurs when initially loading a page.

It's been a few months since then and I tried clearing the cache again and now Internet Explorer loads up nice and quick just like when I first acquired the phone. So this is just a quick PSA to try clearing your cache a few times if you experience any lag while browsing. It's pretty obvious but since it didn't work the first time around for me I didn't think much about it.

Free Emulator Apps


If you're into classic games and wish to play some old school SNES, Game Boy, and Game Boy Advance games, be sure to check out developer m.k.'s solid emulator apps which are currently now all free. I purchased all three apps when they first released and have reviewed two or the three. The apps are solid and definitely recommended. The apps were temporarily removed but are now back on the marketplace so grab them while you can!

Click here to grab the apps.

Friday, August 9, 2013

App Update : CarTunes

CarTunes was last updated over a year ago and I wasn't really expecting any more updates. Even so, the app was solid enough for me to have it as my main in-car music player. A few months ago the developer commented on my review stating updates were coming and in the last week two updates were rolled out giving a few more features.

The first update enabled swipe gestures to work on the full screen as opposed to only the album art section which makes the app that much easier to use. A subsequent second update now gives the ability to pin an album or artist as well as enabling a seek feature which can be activated by bringing down the drop-down music player by hitting one of the volume keys and holding down the forward button.

Be sure to check out CarTunes and read the review!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

WP App Review : MLB At Bat 13

NOTE: This review has been updated at the bottom.

At Bat 13 (Version 1.0)
MLB Advanced Media L.P

MLB has finally released a Windows Phone 8 version of their popular At Bat app. For baseball fans like myself, it was a long time coming. Having an official baseball app further solidifies the Windows Phone platform as more and more official apps from popular companies are added to the marketplace. So how does this new app perform?