Thursday, January 24, 2013

WP App Review : geoDefense Swarm

geoDefense Swarm (Version 1.0)
Microsoft Studios

geoDefense Swarm is a tower defense game based on vector style graphics. It's an older game, one that I previously played on iOS. The game play is addicting so I decided to purchase it on WP as well, and just like it's iOS counterpart, it plays well and is highly addictive.

There are three difficulty levels with several stages each, as well as an endless mode for each difficulty setting. Basic tower defense game play applies here; set up different towers to eliminate the incoming enemies before they reach your base. You're given several choices of towers, from regular guns, to lasers, missiles, and different shock towers. As you eliminate enemies, you'll gain money which you can use to build more towers and upgrade your current ones.

Touch controls are very intuitive and smooth which is a plus as setting up new towers and upgrades quickly can make a difference between winning or losing. Each map is set up differently, sometimes having two entry points and two exit points, so you'll need to strategize well if you wish to fend off the numerous waves.

The graphics are vibrant and the game has simple sound effects, but no BGM. Still, geoDefense Swarm is a highly addicting tower defense game. Even after you've cleared all the stages of a specific difficulty level, you can play an endless mode to see how long you can survive.

With it's colorful graphics combined with smooth and addicting game play, this app is a definite must have for tower defense addicts. It's a no nonsense tower defense game that's simple to pick up and play, but can get increasingly difficult to test your skills.

Pros : Smooth and addicting game play, vibrant graphics, endless mode
Cons : None

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